1. d Units
1. Ubasa-nansanna or the first
Ubasannasanna smallest unit
choked growth of science. The same is the case with the atom when scholars of the Orient are pitching on the indivisibility which has been shatterred. Jain has pointed out some problems in this regard and suggested the description to be taken in historical perspective. However, there seems a tendency in some scholars to trace canonical origin for all the newly developed facts and to either overlook or keep mum over the scientific evaluations of a large num. ber of discrepant canonical desriptions about the physical phenomena. Some times varied explanations are given for the same fact to make it scientifically consistent despite the fact that opposing or inconsistent results accrue from this trend. Some of the results of calculations based on current opinions regarding equivalent values of UA are shown in Table VI which will substantiate the above statement The calcultaions based on values of
Table VII Current Values of Length
2. Trutirenu or Practical atom 3. SA or UA, cm.
4. AA
5. PA
Jain Education International
Lishk et el are most discordant, Table VI will confuse one to decied the truth or accuracy of the fact. It is worth consideration which of these values may be taken as applicable in all cases. Lord Mahavira must have given one value forit. How and when this vareety and values of angula started is a problem for futher research. One of the reasons for this might be the personal or literary communication gap between the scholara of different periods. This gap has vanished in this century and it is the best time for uniformity in units and their values.
When areas or volumes are to be expressed, the 2-d or 3-d units are used. The 2-d and 3-d angula units are known as Pratarangula (Pra) Ghanangula (GA) respectively. Their values are equal to the square and cube of the angula unit. They are shown in Table VII.
Units in Jaina Canons
Current Values
For Personal & Private Use Only
0,001, 1.07, 1.70, 1.90
2 UA
500 UA, 1000 UA