નિર્વાણુમા નું રહસ્ય
एकगुरुपास्ति ।
Jain Education International
[ ૧૫૭ ]
( પરશુરામ કલ્પસૂત્ર ૧-૨૦)
Resort to one Guru.
The Guru is the spiritual father of the disciple; he takes the disciple in his own being, fills him with the consciousness, links the destiny of the novice with his own and thus makes him a permanent part of himself. The disciple surrenders to him wholly and his wellbeing and progress depend upon his faithfulness to the Guru who is carrying him on the Path. To seek for other Gurus, to open to other influences, cuts across this belt of security. Therefore must one stick to one ideal, one Deity, one Guru, once the choice has been made.
(Gems from the Tantras)
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