તે પુસ્તક વાંચનારને તે આદર્શ તત્વનું ભાન, તેની શુદ્ધતા, સંપૂર ર્ણતા અને એકાગ્રતા સાથે કરાવે છે. તત્વજ્ઞાનને પરિચિત કરાવવામાં આવેલ પ્રયાથી તેના કર્તા ઘણજ પ્રશંસાપાત્ર છે.
Alellae Balmai's niat. ૧૫-૧૦-૨૨ એકટીંગ હેડમાસ્તર આફ્રેિડ હાઈસ્કુલ.
I have received the book, Dravya-Pardipa, for my humble opinion written by the revered Nyayatirtba, Nyayabisharada Muni Maharaja Mangalvijaji. ; It treats of six real substances, which, according to the Jain tenets, exist, always have and will; and by their unchanging conditions and interaction cause the world to be what it is. The learned author describes most" accurately the priciples of Logic together with Saptabhangi and Nyayavada, in addition to six Dravyas or real substances in this book. Note with standing the philosophical and metaphysical questions are treated in the book the style is easy and simple for a layman to read. it. I wish the book every success.
Motichand Javerachand Mehta, 10-11-22
Acting Head Master. Alfred High School, Bhavnagar.
Jain Educationa International
For Personal and Private Use Only