સંદર્ભ ગ્રંથ ભાગ-૨
microcosm and macrocosm, the seen and the 32 Mysticism East and west - Rudolf Otto,
unseen worlds.'- Encylopeadia of Religion. P. 37 Ro The Teaching of the mystics: W. T. Stace, 33 Quoted in 'Mysticism aud Religion.' Dr. P. 12.
W. R. Inge, P. 25 24 Mysticism is the immediate feeling of the 38 Mysticism in Maharashtra - Ranade, P. 1
unity of the self with God, it is nothing, there- (Preface ) fore, but the fundamental feeling of the reli
34 Quoted in Eastern Religion and Western gion, the religious life as its very heart and
Thought' - P. 66 centre. But what makes the mystical special tendency inside religion is the endeavour 35 Mysticism is, in Truth, a temper rather than to fix the immediateness of the life in a doctrine, an atmosphere rather than a God as such, as abstract from all intervening system of philosophy - Quoted in 'Mysticism helps and channels whatever and find a
in Bhagvad Gita - Dr. M. N. Sorear. P. V permanent abode in the abstaract in wordness (Preface) of a life pious feeling.' Quoted at q. 25. of 218 Mysticism is seen to be highly speci'Mysticism and Religion' by Dr. W. R. Inge.
alised form of that search for reality, for 22 Quoted in ‘Mysticism'-F. C. Hapold, p. 37
hightened and completed life, which we
have found to be constant characteristic of २3 काव्यकला तथा अन्य निबंध-रहस्यवाद : पृ. ३९
human consciousness' - Mysticism, UnderRX Eastern Religion and Western Thought - by S. Radhakrishnan, p. 61
34 'Mysticism appears in connection with २५ आधुनिक हिन्दी काव्यमें रहस्यवाद : प. १०८
endevour of the human mind to grasp the
divine essense or the ultimate reality of 25 'Mysticism is, in essence, little more than
things, and to enjoy the blessedness of a certain intensity and depth of feeling in
actual communion with the highest. The regard to what is believed about the unive
first is the philosophical side of mysticism, rse,' - Mysticism and Logic; by Burtrand
the second its relgious side, God ceases to Russel, p. 3
be an objcet and becomes an experience.'Ru Exploring Mysticism-Frist Staal, p. 59
Quoted in Mysticism in Religion', W.R.
Inge, p. 25 RC The Varieties of Religious Experience - William James, p. 379, 429.
36 Mysticism is a way of dealing with God"
-The meaning of God in Human ExperiRE Quoted in 'Mysticism' - F. C. Hapold p. 38
ence. p. 355 30 The intuitive Experience of the infinity
and the all embracing oneness of all that is yo 'Mystic is an approach to Truth and Reaof all consciousness of all life or however we
lity, which can be negatively indicated as may call it.' Foundation of Tibaten mystici
non-logical.?-Mysticism in Bhagvad Gita. sm; of Lama Anagarika Govind, p. 77 Vari- p. I, preface. eties of religious experiences, P. 38
79 It (mysticism) is a moral discipline having 29 Mystism East and West - Rudolf Otto, P. 95 for its object the acquisition of a condition
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