Sasi-Dhavala-Dantamusalam, Diha-Karullāla-Vuddhi-Ucchāham | Mahupinga-Nayaņa-Jualam, Sasalila-Navajalaharārāvam ll 14 ||
Bhimam Mahāgaimdam, Accāsannampi Te Na Vi Gaṇanti 1 Jē Tumha Calaņa-Jualam Muņi Vai Tungam Samallinā || 15 ||
O Best of monks : Those people who have taken shelter with your exalted feet in the right way, do not fear even a huge elephant, which has tuska as white as the moon, whose energy is enhanced on account of its tossing trunk, whose eyes are variegated (red and yellow) like honey, which resemble a fresh cloud in its rumbling (sound), which appears angry and which has come very close to him. ||14-1511
પાંચમું સ્મરણ-૫૧
Fifth Invocation-51
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