Tvam Nātha ! Janmajaladhērviparānmukhõpil Yattārayasyasumatā Nija Prsthalagnān Il Yuktam Hi Pārthivanipasya Satastavaiva ! Citram Vibhő ! Yadasi Karmavipākaśünyaḥ ||2911
O Lord ! It behoves you, who are comparable to a pot of clay, that while you have completely turned your face against the ocean of worldly life, you still act as a saviour of the beings who have clung to your back. But, what surprises us, O Lord, is that you are totally devoid of the effects of the Karmas. 112911 The Lord has renounced the worldly life and established himself on the Siddhasilā, so he is averse to worldly life; and yet he saves those people who worship him and cling to him. Hence, his kidness is obvious. He thus resembles a clay-pot which, when kept with its mouth up floats on water and helps others to cross the stream. But the pot has the activity and its fruit, but the lord is free from it. 112911
આઠમું સ્મરણ-૧૮૭
Eight Invocation-187
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