041434hild. . [294such as Vishnu, Brahman, Mahes'a, Sankara, Jina, Arhat, Tirthanatha, etc. One should worship Him in four ways-Nama, Sthapana, Dravya and Bhava. ( 33 )
Notes:-There are four aspects of looking at a thing; these aspects-the Nikshepas as they are calledare Nama, Sthapana, Dravya and Bhava. Nama is the name of an object. This name may or may not be significant, i.e., the object may bear a name even though the etymological meaning may be absent in it. Sthapana is an installation or a material representation of an object : a photograph, a picture, a keepsake, an image, a model, a statue are its instances. Dravya is the substance of which an object is made. Bhava means the actual nature of an object. In order to understand these four aspects, consider the case of a Ghata. To give tho name Ghata to an animate or inanimate object is called Nama-Ghata. The picture of a Ghata, etc., is the Sthapana-Ghata, Clay of which a Chata is made is called DravyaGhata. The Ghata that is useful for fetching water or the Ghata whereby all the functions of a Chata can be performed is called Bhava-Ghata.
God may be addressed as Vishnu as He pervades the universe so far as His knowledge is concerned. He may be called Brulman in the sense that He is the embodiment of knowledge and is of unsurpassed splendour. The name S'ankara is applicable to Him, for, He bestows happiness. He is Jina because fIe has conquered enemiesattachment and aversion. He is Arhat for He is
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