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ન્યાયકુસુમાંજલિ. HOTEFÁNagarrafa
हन्ताऽनादिककर्ममण्डलसमुच्छेदः कथं सर्वथा ? प्रध्वंसोऽपचयं समागतवतो दृष्टः स्फुटं सर्वथा । नासिद्धोऽपचयः समस्तजनताऽध्यक्षप्रमागोचरोऽमुष्यतेन भवत्यनादिकमलौघस्यापि संप्रक्षयः ॥ ११ ॥
How is it possible to have a complete annihi. lation of the collection of beginning-less Karmans ? (The reply is that) there is distinctly seen an entire destruction of every object that undergoes decrease. Moreover, the decrease of Karmans is not unestablished, for it is an object of direct valid knowledge of all human beings. Hence there can be a complete annihilation of this eternal heap of dirt (Karmans).(11)
Notes:-There is a possibility of destroying the collection of Karmans existing from time without beginning, for it is a fact that any and every object that undergoes a change either in the form of incr. ease or decrease is subject to entire destruction in case the materials bringing about the change are made to work in full force. Moreover, it is our common experince that people have a loss or greater degree of attachment and aversion. This must be due to some cause. If this very cause is given full scope for its operation, it will surely annihilate Karmans like attachment and aversion. Let us consider the case of cold. As heat goes on increasing, cold goes on decreasing and when heat
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