times as a Reference Librarian, at other times as an expert Gujarati Librarian and finally as the Sanskrit Librarian. When in August 1912 the "Liabrary Miscellany" was started as trilinguial quarterly Magazine with the sole purpose of disseminating the new gospel of libraryreligion Mr. Dalal took charge of the editorship of the Gujarati Section without any remuneration. In the very first issue of the "Library Miscellany" he published a scheme of classification for Sanskrit books and followed it up by another more elaborate scheme for Gujarati books. His Gujarati classification scheme has long teen adoptel in the Baroda Central Library and is introduced by means of printed catalogue-cards in the Moffusil libraries of the Baroda State. After preparing a classified list of the Hundred Rupees Standard Gujarati Books, that is presented by the Central Library depar ment to each new village library in the state for Rs. 25, he brought out ore more elaborate classified list of 1000 popular Gujarati books for tɔwn and village libraries in Gujarat. This list also has an Author and a Title Index at the end. This classified list is prepared on the plan of such English books as Nelson's Standard Book and Sonneschein's Best Books, Mr. Dalal also conducted the Library classes opened for short periods for training librarians of the district
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