________________ Parikh therefore was assigned the work of writing the introduction which he gladly accepted. In the meantime the work of printing progressed and when the introduction was also printed off looking to the usual bulk of such works, and keeping in view the easy handling of the volume, it was considered proper to publish the whole work in one volume only. The Research Officers of the Oriental Institute collectively prepared the word-index which appears at the end of the volume. Thus, with considerable amount of time and due share of difficulties, this very important and ambitious project of the Institute is completed and as a result the Nyayakandali with three commentaries is being placed in the hands of scholars and students of Nyayavaisesika school of philosophy which represents the earliest phase of realistic thought in India. I am indeed grateful to the University Grants Commission and the authorities of the M. S. University of Baroda for financial assistance towards the publication of this volume. Dr. B. N. Bhatt, Deputy Director, Oriental Institute read the proofs from the very beginning. Later Dr. M. L. Wadekar and Smt. Minakshi Dhavadshikar helped him in the work of correcting the proofs. I am thankful to them. I thank also Shri P. H. Joshi, Shri S. Y. Wakankar and Smt. Dr. Usha Brahmachari for preparing the word-index. I must put on record my unreserved gratitude to Shri Satyajitsingh Gaekwad, Manager, Gaekwad Printrance, Vadodara and his colleagues for neat printing of the Volume. Vadodara : Rama Navami V. S. 2047. R. T. VYAS Director