________________ As for the text of Nydvakandali Dr. Jetly has used three palm-leaf MSS., belonging to Badabhandaru of Jaisalmer (marked as J, J2 and J, respectively). alongwith two printed editions, one of which is edited by Pt. Vindhyeshvari Prasad Dwivedi and other is published from Varanasi. (They are marked as Kari 1 and Kam 2 respectively). Tippana of Naracandrasuri Out of the three commentaries on NK, presented here, the Tippana of Naracandrasuri is the oldest one. Naracandra was a pupil of Devaprabhasuri of Harsapuriya of Maladhari Gaccha. Devaprabhasuri was author of several Jain works such as Pandavacarita-a verified Jain Version of the Mahabharata. He also wrote a commentary on the Anargharaghava Nataka of Murari. Naracandra also wrote a Tippana on the same play and extended his exegetical activity to the NK. He was also the author of a Praksta grammar called Prakrta Prabandhaand some other Jain works, like Katharatnakara, Caturvimsati Stotra Vastupala prasasti and metrical portions of the two of the Giranar Inscriptions of Vastupal. Katharatnakara was written specially to please his great pupil Vastupala, whom he had taught grammar. literature and logic--the traditional three Vidyas of Gujarat in that age. His work on astrology viz. Jyotinsara became so popular that it was known as Naracandra. The colophon of his Tippana on NK, gives one more piece of information about one more teacher of Naracandra--a fact not known hitherto. From it we learn that Psthvidhara was a teacher of Naracandrasuri in Nyayadarsana. Whether this Pithvidhara was a Jain or a Brahmana Pandita, is not known. According to Prabandhakosa, Naracandrasuri died on the 10th day of the dark fortnight of the month Bhadrapada in Vs. 1287 (1231 A.D.). Pra. bandhakosa also notes that some time before his death, he predicted the year of Vastupala's demise.2 1 (a) Sandesara B. J.: Literary Circle of Mahamatya Vastupala, Singhi Jain Shastra Sikshapith, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Bombay, pp. 73 to 75. (b) The short resume on the life and works of Naracandra as presented here is based on the relevant chapter of the unpublished thesis of Dr. Jetly. -Viz. "A Critical Survey of the Contribution of Jain writers to Nyaya-Vaisesika Literature with a Critical edition of hitherto unpublished work-a Tippana of Naracandrasuri on NK of Sridharacarya.". (1952). 2. Prabandhakosa, Varanasi ed. P. 127.