________________ Other works of Sridhara, known from his Nyayakandali are-i) Advayasiddhi. (ii) Tattvabodha or Tattvaprabodha. (iii) Tattvasarivadini and (iv) Sangrahatika. Sridhara as shown above generally follows Vaisesika School in his interpietation of PDS. He also defends PDS sometimes, if someone finds any discrepancy in PDS. Thus, when Kanada says that merit (dharma ) brings release, and Irasastapada thinks that true knowledge leads to release, Sridhara, seeing inconsistancy between these two views, immediately makes amendment and explains that true knowledge produces merit which ultimately leads to reka.se After presen'ing Munguluvada in brief, Sridhara examines in detail the theory of emancipation. (Mahodaya ). He refutes the views of Buddhists, Sankhyas. Mimarisakus and Vedatins and concludes with the Nyaya-Vaisesika theory of emancipation-i.e. the proper definition of Mahodaya is the absolute cessation of what is disadvantageous (ahita). It is however curious to note that he feels that this concept of emancipation cannot be proved by a logical method, but it should be accepted on the strength of Upanisads ( Vedanta )-.i.e. by verbal testimony. . 1: is also interesting to note that Sridhara thinks darkness (Tamus ) to b. a specific colour and not the absence of light as it is generally believed in NydivaVaisesiku m uals. In course of his delineation on the text of PDS, Sridhara has taken the opportunity to refute vigorously some of the important theories of the opposite schools of thought--that of Buddhists being the chief of them. For example, he enters into a very extensive argument with Buddhists on latter's theory of - inomentariness (Ksanikavada ) and tries to establish its impropriety. Equally in portant are his discussions on topics like-problem of relation between parts and whole (Avayuva-avayavivada ), objective reality of Samanya. theory of Samavaya and Vijnanavada. He also examines the theory of existence and the nature of Self. He establishes the necessity of existence of God and tackles an interesting question-whether God is enjoined with a body or not. Apart from the theory of Atoms (Paramanuvada ). Sridhara presents exhaustively some of the tenets that exclusively belong 10 Vaisesikas such as Pokaraprukriya, Apeksabuddhi in relation to the quality Sankhya (number ), Visesas and the quality disjunction (Vibhagu ). The icxt o! PDS adopted here, is generally ba ed on the printed text of NK with PDS, edited by Pt. Vindhyeshvari Prasad Dwivedi, (Vijayanagaram SK. Series, 1895 ). Dr. Jetly has also used four other texts for collation and marked them as Ki, Ta, De and Vyo Their source is unfortunately not known.