________________ 220] CHAPTER IX 57 * In a for bein found in Vx of CSV and the Vstti throughout Vx of CS and V bcins, Skt. baddha, supported by the Chinese reading 80 chuan. In b V thar ba for thar pa repeating the mistake throughout his edition. In d Vx of CSV omits a'es when the karika is quoted for the second time. V baddhasya bandhanopayad nirvanam yadi bhidyate | ajatam tad atas tena nirvanam iti nocyate || 20 || V himself says that his Skt. version has not given him complete satisfaction and the Chinese version is also obscure. There is much deference here between the Chinese and the Tib. versions. The only point whcih I want to note is that in a the reding bcins, baddha, though supported by the Chinese as said above, could not be accepted by me following the commentator, Candrakirtti, as we shall see presently. So far as the first half is concerned V's Skt. version does not agree even with his own French translation. Skt. bandhano paya which can hardly be taken from the Tib. text, can in no way mean des moyens de deliverance.' Before giving my own translation I should like to discuss a little as to how the Tib. word thar pa or thar is to be translated into Skt. V translates it (b and d) by nirvana. This is not right. In Tib. nirvana is invariably mya nan las hdas pa, or mya nan hdas pa, or mya van hdas, or more shortly myan hdas; while for moksa one sees in Tib. thar pa or thar. Even in the same karika these two are distinguished. For intance, MK, XXV. II with both the versions, Skt. and Tib, may be quoted here. I cannot, therefore, agree with V in restoring also the karika 244 where in 6 he writes nirurti for thar pal. The case is the same also with his restoration of the karika 222. I may propose the following: उपायाद् बन्धनाद् बन्ध्यादन्यो मोक्षो भवेद यदि। . न तस्माज्जायते किञ्चिन् मोक्षः स इति नोच्यते // 20 // 1 For details see the karika. 8