________________ CATUHSATAKA [192 192 * CV : hdir smras pa | gal te chos thams cad ston pahi phyir spon bar bya ba yin na | dge slon dag de lta bas na gus par byas te | gus par byas nas byas pahi bsod nams kyi rnam par smin par hdod pas sdug pa dan phans pa dan yid du thon ba so sor myon bar thgyur ro | | z'es bya ba hdi ciui phyir gsuns | hdi ni mi thgal te gan gi phyir || = प्रवाह। यदि सर्वे धर्माः शून्या इति हेयाः। भिक्षवस्तदर्शनेन छत पादरः / कृत्वा चादरं कृतस्य पुण्यस्य विपाकतः कामन दुःखं व्यसनमिष्टं च पृथगनुभूयत इति किमित्युक्तम्। नेदं विरुदम् / कुतः-- / chos chags de bz'in gsegs rnams kyis | mtho ris hdod pa rnams la gsuns | thar pa hdod rnams la de nid smad gyur gz'an du smos ci dgos || 17 || As the sense requires and is supported by the Vx of CSV here in a it must be kyis and not kyi as V reads with our Vx of CS. In eV wrongly reads thar ba for thar pa. In d for smad Vx of CS, which is here indistiuct, seems to read slad; for smos found in both, Vxx of CS and CSV, V wrongly reads smros and translates by upadisyate. But this cannot be accepted, for smros is the imperative form of smra ba 'to say'; smos is here pf. form of the root smo ba 'to remark,' 'to assert.' For ci dgos found in Vxx of CS and CSV, V reads cin gos, which does not give any sense. Vuktas Tathagatair dharmanuragah svargakanksinam i mumuksunam tathanyatra tattvam evopadisyate || 17 || I should propose the following restoration : उच्यते स्वर्गकामेभ्यो धर्मे रागस्तथागतैः / तस्यैव मोक्षकामेभ्यो निन्दान्यन किमुच्यते // 17 // CV : chos la chags pa ni deui thabs kyi no bo yin pasi phyir gdon mi za bar bya ba nid du | bsod nams dag ni byara hos te bsod nams ma byas nid sdug bsnal bsod nams byas pahi hjig 1 X span. * byed? .