________________ CATUHSATAKA xxi III. Showing the means for abandoning the adherence to the notion that things are pure. IV. Showing the means for abandoning the notion of 'I' (ahankara).2 V. Showing the practices of a Bodhisattva.3 vi. Showing the means for abandoning passions or impurities. VII. Showing the means for abandoning the adherence to the enjoyments desired in the life of a man." Vill. The preparation of a disciple. IX. Slowing the contemplation of the refutation of things regarded as eternal.' X. Showing the contemplation of the refutation of atman, 8 XI. Showing the contemplation of the refutation of time. 9 XII. Showing the contemplation of the refutation of (wrong) views,10 XIII. Showing the contemplation of the refutaticn oi the senses and their objects.11 XIV. Showing the contemplation of the refutation of the adherence to the extremes. 2 XV. Showing the contemplation of the refutation of the compound things.13 XVI. Showing the contemplation of the discussion between the teacher and the pupil.14 1 gtsan bar hdzin pa apan bahi thabs bstan pa=sucigrahaprahanopayao. CSV cucivi. paryasao (gtsan bar phyin ci logo 'the illusion of purity.' bdag tu hdzin pa span bahi thabs bstan pa=atmagraha- or ahankara-prahano payao. CSV adds bhavana-(sgom) 'contemplation after upaya (thabs). But in the Skt. text, HPS, p. 466, there is ahankaraviparyasaprahanopayam 'the means for abandoning the illusion of ahankara. 3 byan chub sems dpah spyod pa bstan pao=Bodhisattvacaryao. . non mons span bahi thabs-klesaprahanopayao 5 minid kyis hdod pa lons spyod la z'en pa span bahi thabso=manusesta sambhoga bhini. vesa prahanopayao CSV reads -abhista- (mnon par hdod pahi) for -ista- and adds -visaya. (yul gyi) before - sambhoga-. slob ma spyod pa=sisyacarya. CSV -paricarya (yons su spyod); but in HPS, p. 480, it has parikarmika-prakaranam 'the chapter dealing with preparation.' dnos po rtag pa dgag pa bagom pa bstan=nityarthapratisedhabhavanasandarsana. * bdag dgag pa bagom pao=atmapratisedha bhavana dus dgag pa bagom pao=kalapratisedhabhavanadeg. 10 lta ba dgag pa bagom pao=drstipratisedhabhavana". 11 dban po dan don dgag pa bagom pao=indriyarthapratisedhabhavanadeg. 12 mthar udzin pa dgag pa bogom pao=antagrahapratisedhabhavanadeg. 13 hdus byas kyi don dgag pa bgom pao-samskrtarthapratisedhabhavanao. 14 slob dpon dan slob ma rnam par gtan la dbab egom pao-gurusisyaviniscayabhavanao.