________________ Xx INTRODUCTION utpada, jati) are not eternal (mi rtag pa=anitya). [Chapter II.] Those which are not eternal generate one's pain and therefore are causing misery (sdug bsnal=duhkha). And as such they always cauec affliction and consequently are impure (mi gtsan= asuci). [Chapter 111.] And those which are impure are to be given up and consequently cannot be regarded as "These are 1,' or "These are mine' (bdag=atman, and bdag gi=atmiya), they are neither 'T', ner 'mine' (bdag med paranatman). [Chapter 1V.] Yet owing to illusion (phyin ci log=viparyasa) these worldly things (hjig rten pahi dnos po appear ctherwise, i.e. eternal (nitya), causing happiness (sukha), pure (suci), and I ard 'mino' (atman and atmiya). This wrong view is to be avoided, and it cannot be done without observing practices (carya) of a Bodhisattva, an aspirant to bodhi 'supreme knowledge.' So in Chapter V the Bodhisattvacarya is dealt with. Klesas or impurities interrupt the Bodhisattvacaryas, therefore they are examined in Chapter VI. And as the objects of senses (yul=visaya) are the cause of origination (skye ba=utpatti), staying (gnas pa=sthiti), and growth (hphel ba=vrddhi) of klesas those objects are discussed in Chapter VII. Chapter VIII deals with the purification of the mind of the disciple before he is thought fit to listen to the explanation of the truth of things. The remaining eight Chapters, IX-XVI, discuss that the things around us have not what can be regarded as their own characteristics or nature (ran bz'in med pa nid=ninsvabhavatva). The names of the Chapters: as given below will also show the subjects dealt with in them :' 1. Showing the means for abandoning the adherence to the view that things are eternal.2 II. Showing the means for abandoning the adherence to the notion that things cause happiness.3 1 See Le Museon, 1900, pp. 237-238. 2 rtag par hdzin pa span bahi, thabsbstan pa= nityagrahaprahanopayasandarsanam. But csV as in HPS has nityaviparyasaprahanopayao (rtag par phyin ci log span bahi tha bs), "showing the means for abandoning the illusion of veiwing the things as eternal.' obde bar hdzin pa span bahi thabs bstan pa=sulehagrahaprahanopayao. CSV sukha. viparyssao (bde bar phyin ci logo) 'illusion of happiness.'