________________ liii they are only declared without the Anubandha being actually affixed to them. In the case of the Anubandha 'm', it is nowhere actually affixed to a root, but only declared to be as good as affixed to the broader ghat-class, and a few other roots. A few Anubandhas are common to all the schools but in the case of others, the various schools are divided into two groups, one headed by Panini and the other by sakatayana. Candra, Jainendra, Kasakrtsna and Katantra mostly follow Panini in using a particular Anubandha for a particular purpose, while Hemacandra usually follows sakatayana150. In several cases, Anubandhas (particularly vowels) are used only for ease of pronunciation (uccaranartha ar mukha-sukhartha), as for instance, 'a' in the case of the Siva-sutras, and Dhatupatha entries like 'edha', 'spardha', dadha', etc., in the final position, or \' and 'u' in Pratyayas like 'Manin', 'Kvanip, etc., and in Agamas like 'Nut", "Tut, etc., respectively, since the absence of the final or intervening vowels would make it very difficult to pronounce them. In some cases the purpose served by the final vowel is to save the final consonant from being dropped, as in the case of Pratyayas like 'Vini', 'Ini', etc. While some letters like 'K' and 'N' have been used in large variety of manners, some have been used in connection with almost every kind of expression, like Pratipadika, Dhatu, Pratyayas, Agamas, Adesas, etc.51. The problem whether the Anubandhas exist at all in these expressions, or whether they are to be considered as forming an integral part of the expressions is settled by some of the Paribhasas 152. In these matters, Buddhisagara seems to follow Panini, rather than sakatayana. 9.8. The Una-adi-sutras are rules which provide for introducing certain affixes after verb roots to derive nominal bases. These rules are called 'Unadi' ("Un etc') because the first rule provides for affixing Un' (= u) to a series of roots to derive nominals such as Karu 'artisan' (from KI 'make'), Vayu wind' (from Va 'blow'). In the Paninian tradition, the rules are contained in two versions of treatises, one divided into five sections and called the Pancapadi, the other divided into ten sections and called Dasa-padi. Yudhisthira Mimamsaka has convincingly set forth evidence to show that the Dasapadi version is later than, and in fact based on, the Pancapadi version, which is usually commented by Paniniyas, like Ujjvaladatta. Commentators do not themselves agree regarding the authorship of these rules. Some attribute them to sakatayana, others to Katyayana, still others to Panini, and some merely refer to them as the work of another school. It is patent that Panini knew a set of affixes beginning with 'Un' and that he accepted some of the derivations involving these. Belvalkar, K. Madhava Krishna Sarma and Renou