________________ Dhatupathas they are meant to be supplementary to the respective Sutrapathas, i. e. to the main part of the grammatical system, and to serve some additional purposes, and are also intended to give a lot of information concerning them. They state, for instance, the voice (pada) in which a particular root is usually conjugated, the manner in which the Present (and in some cases the Aorist also) stem is made, about the liability or otherwise of a nasal appearing as a penultimate in some roots being dropped before the weak terminations, whether or not a particular root takes the union-vowel before a particular set of endings, which of the roots beginning with 'n cerebralize it after a pre-verb containing the sound 'r', which roots containing a particle 'a' do not lengthen it (or optionally do it) in their causative stem, etc., etc. All this variety of information can be had by a mere glance at the place and the form of the root in the Dhatupatha, thanks mostly to the ingenious grouping of roots, and to the wonderful system of the code letters (anubandhas) invented by the ancient Hindu grammarians. While some roots display individual peculiarities, many others behave in a common way under a particular set of conditions. These roots characterised by a common property form, so to say, a group or class. The way in which a particular group of roots was indicated in the Sutrapatha also shows many forms. The earliest stage seems to have been to mention the leading root (in plural) and to state the total number of roots, as for instance, 'Samam astanam dirghah syani' (Pan. 7.3.74). Sometimes another form is adopted to indicate the beginning and the end of the group, as in Ivaliti-kasantebhyo nah' (Pan. 3.1.140). But the final form which came to stay was to add in the Dhatupatha, after the last root in the group, a word 'Vrt' to mark the conclusion of a group and to say in the Sutrapatha that a particular root and those which follow (i. e. those read until the term Vrt occurs) undergo a particular operation. Here also it is important to note that the word 'Adi' is often omitted and the leading root is put in the plural. All these techniques have been adopted by post-Paninian grammarians, too, and Buddhisagara has also done so. But the above methods could not be resorted to when the roots showing a peculiar feature appear in different classes. This ultimately resulted in the system in which the use of the symbols or code letters was resorted to. The use of the Anubandhas did not drive out the group system as it was more conducive to brevity149. In the majority of cases the Anubandha-letter is actually prefixed or suffixed to the root, but there are some cases where it is only partly affixed and partly it is declared to be as good as affixed, e. g. 'Svadaya oditah' where