की निवृत्ति हो जाने पर क्रोधादि निमित्त से होने वाले कर्मों का आम्रव रुक जाता है और महान संवर होता है।
बारह अनुप्रेक्षाएँ अनित्याशरणसंसारैकत्वान्यत्वाशुच्याश्रवसंवरनिर्जरालोकबोधिदुर्लभधर्मस्वाख्यातत्वानुचिन्तनमनुप्रेक्षाः।(7) The द्वादशानुप्रेक्षा 12 meditations are:
1. अनित्यानुप्रक्षा Everything is subject to change or transitory. 2. अशरणानुप्रेक्षा Unprotectiveness, Helplessness. The soul is
unprotected from the fruition of karmas, e. g. death etc. 3. संसारानुप्रेक्षा Transmigration, Mundaneness. Soul moves in the
cycle of existences and cannot attain true happiness till he is out
of it. . 4. एकत्वानुप्रेक्षा Loneliness. I am alone the doer of my actions _and the.enjoyer of the fruits of them. 5. अन्यत्वानुप्रेक्षा Separteness, otherness. The world, my relations
and friends, my body and mind, they are all distinct and separate
from my real self. 6. अशुच्यानुप्रेक्षा Impurity. The body is impure and dirty Purity
is of 2 kinds: of the soul itself and of the body and other things.
This last is of 8 kinds. 7. आस्रवानुप्रेक्षा Inflow. The inflow of karmas is the cause of my
mundane existence and it is the product of passions etc. 8. संवरानुप्रेक्षा Stoppage. The inflow must be stopped. 9. निर्जरानुप्रेक्षा Shedding. Karmic matter must shed from or shaken
out of the soul. 10. लोकानुप्रेक्षा Universe. The nature of the universe and its
constituent elements.
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