alities are prominent. Even without any one of them, no persons are styled 'Sravakas' (householders). In the life of the saint two things, namely, performance of meditation and pursuance of study are predominant. In the same way even withot any one of them, no body is styled 'Sramana' (saint).
155. The gift is regarded as of our kinds. The division of which lies in, food, medicine, books (Scriptures) and fearlessness. The gift of these should be offered. This has been so described in the Upasakādhyayana (book of the householder).
156. Surely, awakening is the mother of spirituality; surely, awakening is the fosterer of spirituality; awakening is its enhancer and awakening is the begetter of unconditional happiness.
157. One should move with awakening, stand with awakening, sit with awakening and sleep with awakening. (One doing all this and) talking and eating with awakening, does not incur bondage of vicious Karma.
158. Through knowledge, accomplishment of meditation takes place; through meditation, the shedding of all the karmas occurs; the outcome of the shedding of karmas is emanicipation (complete mental equanimity and peace). One should, therefore, pursue knowledge.
159. The fire of austerity which is associated with the air of knowledge and which has been lighted by chastity,
Cayanikä ]
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