long for companion possessing discriminating understanding and lofty purpose of life and should choose a proper dwelling known through judicious judgement:
150. (Because of not requiring treatment), the physicians do
not treat such persons as are satisfied with the food beneificial to spiritual practices, with the limited choice of that food and with a little quantity of limited food. It fact, they are the physicians of their own mind.
151. Because of (the choice of) dwelling which has been
devoid of depravities, because of developing controlled posture, because of consuming a little quantity of food, because of restrained senses, the enemy of attachment does) not perturb the mind of a judicious man, as the enemy of disease eradicated by medicines does not attack the cured persons.
152. One should pursue the spiritual path, as long as old age
does not afflict, disease does not grow and the senses do not decline.
153. (For social growth and one's own unfoldment) only two
paths (modes of life) have been pronounced by the Arahantas (embodied spiritually perfect personalities) who are devoid of birth, death and old-age. (The traveller on the one path) (has been called) authentic Šramana (saint) and (the traveller on the other path) (has been called authentic Sravaka (householder).
154. In the life of the householder two things, namely offering
of gifts and paying of reverence to ethico-spiritual person
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[ Samaņasuttam
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