This is also laid down in Pramaṇa-mimāmsā1.
It is mentioned in Prameyaratnamālā that the propounders of Nyayavaiseṣika philosophies maintain that Pramāņa is different from its result and the Buddhists say that the result is identical with the Pramāņa. Refuting these views, it is laid down by Manikyanandi that result is in one sense different from Pramāņa and in another, identical with it2.
End of Samuddeśa V.
Jain Education International
1. “ प्रमाणाद् भिन्नाभिन्नम् । ” Pramāna-mīmāmsa. I. I. 24. " करणरूपत्वात् क्रियारूपत्वाच्च प्रमाणफलयोरभेदः |... · तस्यैवात्मनः प्रमाणाकारेण परिणतिस्तस्यैव फलरूपतया परिणाम इत्येकप्रमात्रापेक्षया प्रमाणफलयोरभेद: ।" Ibid. Bhāsya.
2. " तद्विविधमपि फलं प्रमाणाद्भिन्नमेवेति यौगाः । अभिन्नमेवेति सौगताः । तन्मतद्वयनिरासेन स्वमतं व्यवस्थापयितुमाह । " Prameyaratnamāla.
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