षष्ठः समुद्देशः SAMUDDEĆA VI.
ततोऽन्यत्तदाभासम् ॥ १॥ 1. Tatonyattadābhāsam 1. The opposite of it, is Abhāsa of the same.
Commentary In this Chapter, the fallacies will be taken up and described. We have mentioned before hand the nature, number, object and result of Pramāņa. The opposite of these will be fallacies of these. The fallacies of Pramāņa are described in Aphorisms 2-54, those of number are described in aphorism 55 ; those of object are described in aphorism 61 and those of result in aphorism 06. अस्वसंविदितगृहीतार्थदर्शनसंशयादयः प्रमाणाभासाः ॥२॥
2. Asvasam viditagrihitārthadarsanasamsayādayaḥ pramāņābhāsāḥ.
2. Pramāṇābhāsas (fallacies of Pramāņa) are non-cognizance by one's own-self, knowledge of what has already been known, doubt etc.
स्वविषयोपदर्शकत्वाभावात् ॥३॥ 3. Svavişayopadarśakatvābhāvāt.
3. Because ( such knowledge ) does not establish its own object. पुरुषान्तरपूर्वार्थगच्छत्तृणस्पर्शस्थाणुपुरुषादिज्ञानवत् ॥४॥
4. Puruşāntarapūrvārthagachchattriņa-sparsa-sthāņupuruşādijñānayat.
4. As (for example ), the knowledge of another person, the knowledge of a thing previously known, the knowledge of touching
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