The Sacred Books of the Jainas 93. There is no play of deer in this cave because there is a roar of lion. Here there is an effect opposed to a cause. This should be included) within Viruddha Kārya Upalabdhi.
Commentary In the example given, deer (Kāraņa ) are the causes of play (Kārya ). A lion is the antithesis ( Viruddha ) of deer for no deer can play in the presence of a lion. The Kārya of lion is the roaring. So we have Kāraṇa Viruddha Kārya in this place. This should be included within Viruddha Kārya Upalabdhi and not recognized as a separate inference.
व्युतपन्नप्रयोगस्तु तथोपपत्याऽन्यथानुपपत्त्यैव वा ॥ ९४॥ 94. Vyutpannaprayogastu tathopapattyānyathānupapattyaiva
94. The use by those who are conversant ( with the process of inference :) is from existence or non-existence of that universal concomitance ( between the Sādhya and the Sādhana ).
Commentary It has already been mentioned ( Aphorism 46 ) that though five parts of Anumāna are used for teaching students, really there are only two parts of an inference ( Aphorism 37 ). But those who are conversant with processes of reasoning employ inference through the knowledge of the existence of Sādhya (e. g. fire ) always along with Sādhana (e. g. smoke ) or the nonexistence of Sādhya where Sādhana is absent. This is amplified in the four aphorisms which follow. अग्निमानयं देशस्तथैव धूमवत्त्वोपपत्तेधू मवत्त्वान्यथानुपपत्तेर्वा ॥९॥
हेतुप्रयोगे हि यथा व्याप्तिग्रहणं विधीयते सा च
ATATĒTU Eyqyacaatta 11 Bell 95. Agnimānayam deśastathaiva dhūmavattvopapatterdhūmavattvānyathānupapattervā.
96. Hetuprayoge hi yathā vyāptigrahaņam vidhiyate sū cha tāvanmātreņa vyutpannairayadhāryate.
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