Parikşāmukham परंपरया संभवत् साधनमत्रैवान्तर्भावनीयम् ॥ ९॥
90. Paramparayā sambhavat sādhanamatraivāntarbhāvaniyam.
90. The Hetus which arise one after the other should be included within those ( which have been described ).
Commentary There are cases where a Hetu is not the direct cause of anything but it leads to another and that leads to a third etc. In such cases there is no necessity of accepting these as separate Hetus, but we should include these within the proper Hetus already defined and illustrated. Examples of such Hetus are given in the following aphorism.
___अभूत्र चक्रे शिवकः स्थासात् ॥ ९१ ॥ 91. Abhūdatra chakre sivakaḥ sthāsāt.
कार्यकार्यमविरुद्धकायो पलब्धौ ॥१२॥ 92. Kāryakāryamaviruddhakāryopalabdhau.
91. There was Sivaka (a clod of earth resembling a Sivalinga) on this potter's wheel because we see Sthāsa there.
92. (This Hetu showing ) effect of an effect will be included within Aviruddha Kārya upalabdhi ( as already defined ).
Commentary To manufacture a pitcher, a clod of earth is necessary. This clod: resembling a Sivalinga is placed on the potter's wheel. Chhatraka ( mushroom ) may grow on it and after that. Strāsa ( signs of mushroom ) may be found on the earth. As Sthāsa is now seen, we infer Sivaka though the intervening Hetu Chhatraka is not seen or mentioned. Sthāsa is therefore the effect of Chhatraka which is an effect of Sivaka. This can be included within Ayiruddha Kāryopalabdhi as already defined.
नास्त्यत्र गुहायां मृगक्रीडनं मृगारिसंशब्दनात् । कारणविरुद्धकार्य विरुद्धकायों पलब्धौ यथा ॥९३ ॥ . 93. Nāstyatra guhāyām mrigakridanam mrigārisamśabdanāt.
Kāraṇaviruddhakāryam viruddhakāryopalabdhau yathā.
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