The Sacred Books of the Jainas
Example of Viruddha Karya Anupalabdhi :venskan anforfa barfufaðmisfia निरामयचेष्टानुपलब्धेः ॥ ८७ ॥
87. Yathasmin prāṇini vyadhiviśeşosti niramayacheṣṭānupa
87. As for example, some disease exists in this animal, because the actions of a healthy body are not found.
Example of Viruddha Karaṇa Anupalabdhi अस्त्यत्र देहिनि दुःखमिष्टसंयोगाभावात् ॥ ८८ ॥
88. Astyatra dehini duḥkhamistasanyogabhāvāt.
88. There is grief in this creature, because it has no connection with its dear ones.
Example of Viruddha Svabhava Anupalabdhi
अनेकान्तात्मकं वस्त्वेकांतस्वरूपानुपलब्धेः ॥ ८९ ॥
89. Anekantātmakam vastvekāntasvarūpānupalabdheḥ. 89. All things are Anekāntika (posessed of different aspects) because we do not find that these have only one aspect.
In Pramananayatattvālokālaṁkāra, five varieties1 (instead of three as described in the Parikṣāmukham) of Viruddha Anupalabdhi in Vidhi have been described. The first three are the same as described in aphorisms 87, 88 and 89. The additional ones are Viruddha Vyapaka Anupalabdhi e. g. "There is wind here because there is no heat" and Viruddha Sahachara Anupalabdhi e. g. 'He has false knowledge because we do not find perfect knowledge in him'2.
1. "facqunguwafueg forfunatal deen 1"
Pramāṇanayatattvālokālaṁkāra, III. 99. 2. Maxgqsenqengusqfèrian arcaa sen eitwangueqà: 1” “faequasar quofsurian arcaza frezanci qrangrienguosi: 1”
Ibid III. 104, 105
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