The Sacred Books of the Jainas Dr. Satischandra Vidyābhūşaņa has commented on the above thus :
“An example ( Driştānta ) is a familiar case, which re-assures the inseparable connection ( Vyāpti ) between the major term ( Sādhya ) and the middle term (Hetu ). It is of two kinds : 1. homogeneous (Sādharmya) and 2. heterogeneous (Vaidharmya). The homogeneous example is that which re-assures the connection ( Vyāpti ) by homogeneousness ( Sādharmya ) thus :
1. This hill is full of fire ( major term ); 2. Because it is full of smoke ( middle term ); 3. Just as the kitchen ( homogeneous example ). Here the fire and smoke abide homogeneously in the kitchen.
The heterogeneous example re-assures the connection (Vyāpti) by contrariety, that is, by showing that absence of the major term ( Sādhya ) is attended by the absence of the middle term ( Hetu ) thus :
1. This hill has no smoke ( major term ) ; 2. Because it has no fire ( middle term ): 3. Just as a lake ( heterogeneous example )"."
In Pramänanayatattvālokālankāra (III. 43-46 ) we find : "Illustration ( Driştānta ) consists of knowledge of obstruction. It is of two kinds being connected with homogeneousness or heterogeneousness. Homogeneous example is that where the existence of the quality of the Sādhya is invariably revealed with the existence of the quality of Sādhana. Heterogeneous example is that where the invariable absence of Sādhana is shown on account of the absence of the Sādhya?"
साध्ये निवर्तमाने तु साधनस्याप्यसंभवः ।
ख्याप्यते यत्र दृष्टान्ते वैधयेणेति स स्मृतः ॥" 1. Nyāyāvatāra by Dr. S. C. Vidyābhūşaņa p. 17. 2. "fadenfaat TETE Eglra: 1
स द्वेधा साधय॑तो वैधयंतश्च । यत्र साधनधर्मसत्तायामवश्यं साध्यधर्मसत्ता प्रकाश्यते स साधर्म्यदृष्टान्तः । यत्र तु साध्याभावे साधनस्यावश्यमभावः प्रदर्श्यते स वैधर्म्यदृष्टान्तः ।"
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