for teaching students. So in this and the next two aphorisms the two kinds of Driṣṭanta, and in aphorisms 50 and 51 Upanaya and Nigamana are explained.
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48. Sadhyavyāptam sadhanam yatra pradarśyate sohnvayadriṣṭāntaḥ.
साध्याभावे साधनाभावो यत्र कथ्यते स व्यतिरेकदृष्टान्तः ॥ ४९ ॥
49. Sadhyābhāve sādhanābhāvo yatra kathyate sa vyatirekadriṣṭāntaḥ.
49. Where the Sadhana is shown as always concomitant with Sadhya, that is ( an example) of Anvaya Driṣṭānta.
50. Where the absence of Sadhana is mentioned through the absence of Sadhya, that is (an example) of Vyatireka Driṣṭanta.
The Driṣṭanta or illustration which states a connection between the Sadhya (fire) and Sadhana (smoke) affirmatively e. g. 'where there is smoke, there is fire as in a kitchen' is Anvaya Driṣṭanta. The Driṣṭanta which mentions the same connection negatively e. g. 'where there is no smoke, there is no fire as in a lake' is Vyatireka Driṣṭānta.
This is propounded in another language in the Nyāyāvatāra as follows:
"Where the inseparable connection of the major term (Sadhya) and the middle term (Sadhana or Hetu) is shown by homogeneousness (Sadharmya) the example is called a homogeneous one, on account of the connection (between those terms) being recollected.
The heterogeneous example is that which shows that the absence of the major term ( Sadhya) is followed by the absence of the middle term." Verses 18 and 191.
1. “ साध्यसाधनयोर्व्याप्तिर्यत्र निश्चीयतेतराम् । साधम्र्येण स दृष्टान्तः सम्बन्धस्मरणान्मतः ॥ P-15
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