The Sacred Books of the Jainas be without fire. This is also known as Linga ( sign or mark ) and is the same as the middle term of a syllogism.
Kumāranandi Bhattāraka has mentioned "A Linga has the characteristic of being non-existent otherwise" ("3772799972 FOSTHETI") e. g. smoke is non-existent otherwise than with fire. In Pramāņa-naya-tattvālokālankāra the same view is expressed'. In other words, a Sādhana can exist only in relation with Sādhya. It is therefore the determinant of Sādhya.
सहक्रमभावनियमोऽविनाभावः ॥ १६॥ 16. Sahakramabhāvaniyamo a-vinābhāvaḥ.
16. Avinābhāva ( or Vyāpti ) is the rule of co-existence or the existence of one following the other ( being related as cause and effect ).
Commentary Vyāpti, which has already been explained before, is here described as being of two kinds being connected in co-existence or in existence of one after another as in the case of a cause and its effect. These are being elucidated in the aphorisms which follow. Hemachandra also defines Avinābhāva in a similar manner?.
सहचारिणोाप्यव्यापकयोश्च सहभावः ॥ १७ ॥ 17. Sahachārinorvyāpyavyāpakayoścha sahabhāvaḥ.
17. Sahabhāva exists in objects co-existent or in objects Vyāpya and Vyāpaka.
1. "fafar-419194477 PSTUTT : Il"
Pramāņa-nayatattvālokālankāra III. 11. 2. "HERAHIAT: HEHHEfathsfarra: 1"
Pramāņa-mimāņsā 1. 2. 10.
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