Parikşāmukham to an inference of fire'. Sādhana is also known as Linga or Hetu. Vātsyāyana in his Bhāșya on Nyāya-sūtras of Gautama ( I. 1. 3) has mentioned "Anumāna is the subsequent knowing of the Lingi (e. g. fire ) by the Linga (e. g. smoke ) in its knowing state”2. Udayanāchārya while explaining "Tallingamanu-māpakam” of the Prasastapādabhāșya has mentioned that Jñāyamāna linga is the instrumental cause of Anumāna".
It appears from the Vaiseșika Sūtra of Kaņāda* and the statement of Prasastapāda the writer of the Bhāşya on the Vaiseșika Sūtrass that they also admit that inference results from Jñāyamāna Linga.
साध्याविनाभावित्वेन निश्चितो हेतुः ॥१५॥ 15. Sādhyāvinābhāvitvena niśchito hetuḥ.
16. Hetu ( or Sadhana or Linga ) is that which is fixed in concomitance with Sādhya.
In this aphorism Sādhana is defined. That which cannot be without Sādhya is Sādhana or Hetu, e. g. smoke which can never
1. “साधनाजज्ञायमानादू धूमादेः साध्येऽग्न्यादौ लिंगिनि यद्विज्ञानं तदनुमानम्। अज्ञायमानस्य तस्य साध्यज्ञानजनकत्वे हि सुप्तादीनामप्यग्न्यादिज्ञानोत्पत्तिTeivT: 1" Nyāya-dipikā. 2. "मितेन लिंगेन लिंगिनोऽर्थस्य पश्चान्मानमनुमानम् ।”
___Vatsyāyana-Bhasya. 3. "अनुमितिरूपप्रमाकरणम् । एतेन परामृष्यमाणं लिंगमनुमानम् ।”
___Guna-Kiranāvali. 4. “हेतुरपदेशो लिंगं प्रमाणं करणमित्यनर्थान्तरम् ।”
Vaišeşika Sūtra. 9. 2. 4. "अनुमेयेन संबंध प्रसिद्धं च तदन्विते । तदभावे च नास्त्येव तल्लिंगमनुमापकम् ॥" Prasastapāda.
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