The Sacred Books of the Jainas
साधनात् साध्यविज्ञानमनुमानम् ॥१४॥
14. Sadhanāt sadhyavijñānamanumānam.
14. Anumāna (inference) is the knowledge of Sadhya (the major term) from Sadhana (the middle term).
A definition of Sadhana will be given in the next aphorism and Sadhya will be defined in aphorism 20.
Sadhana as we have already mentioned is the middle term and Sadhya the major term. In inference we have a knowledge of Sadhya (e. g. fire) from Sadhana (e. g. smoke ). The syllogism will be detailed later on.
It may be mentioned here that in Hindu philosophies like the Nyaya and Vaiseşika systems, the knowledge derived from Anumāna Pramāņa is called Anumiti but in Jain logic, the knowledge itself is called Anumana. The result of Anumana, according to Jain logic, is the cessation of ignorance. Manikya-nandi has devoted a separate chapter (Samuddeśa V) where the result of Pramāņas is discussed in detail. We shall deal with this subject there.
Hemachandra and Dharma-bhuṣaṇa's definition of Anumana is the same as mentioned in this aphorism'. In Śloka-vārttika it is mentioned "The wise know Anumana to be the knowledge of Sadhya from sadhana". The Sadhana must be Jñāyamāna (in a knowing state) to produce Anumana. Otherwise no inference can arise. For example, to a sleeping man, smoke cannot give rise
1. “ साधनात् साध्यविज्ञानमनुमानम् ।”
Pramāṇa-mimāmsā I. 2. 7 and Nyāya-dipikā.
2. “साधनात् साध्यविज्ञानमनुमानं विदुर्बुधाः । " Sloka vārttika.
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