Pictures Index of Bhagawan Shri Mahavira and other Sections
38 38 38 38 3 1 Unique picture of Bhagawan Shree Mahavira
2 Picture of Tirthankara with eight Pratiharya
3 Bird-eye view of previous 25 incarnations of Bhagawan
4 Picture of twenty Padas in twenty Sthanakas
5 Descent from the divine world
6 Narration of 14 dreams before the husband
7 Mutual embroynic transfer
8 14 dreams visualised by Mother Trishala
9 Charming enlarged depiction of 14 dreams
10 The festival of 56 Directional Virgins
11 Indra's departure towards Meru Mountain
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12 Coronation by gods on Meru Mountain
13 Bhagawan, as child with parents
14 Divine test of fearlessness
15 Conquering the demon and endowing name
16 Bhagawan, the flame of knowledge in the class-room
25 Excursion and tribulations for spiritual practices and achievement
26 Excursion and first fast-breaking
17 Marriage and other incidences of Vardhaman kumar
18 Bhagawan, with the family including parents
27 Gifting the cloth-sheet to a poor Brahmin
28 The cowherd inflicts punishment
29 Harassment by Yaksha Shoolapani
30 Enlightening the serpent Chandakaushika with poisonous gaze
31 Harassment by a revengeful god tossing the boat
32 20 horrible harassments by Samgamdeva
33 Chandanbala's food-offer of Urad
34 Thrusting wooden nails in the ears
35 Bhagawan Mahavira in the supreme stage of meditation
36 Bhagawan attains supreme enlightenment
37 Creation of divine assembly hall
38 Occupying the golden lotus, together with eight pratiharyas
39 11 scholarly Brahmins coming for scriptural
40 Initiation of 11 scholarly Brahmins and the establishment of Ganadhara Pada
41 Circum-ambulation of chaity-enlightenment tree
42 The majestic gateway of Samavasarana
19 Bhagawan seeking permission for initiation
43 Offering Bali before Tirthankar
20 Various anecdotes of the life of Bhagawan Mahavira. 44 Trying to burn off Bhagawan through Tejoleshya
21 Gods requesting for religious propagation
45 Sermon before 18 Kings of Kashi and Koshala 46 The final sermon of 48 hours by Bhagawan
22 Donation of billions rupees annually
23 The majestic procession of initiation
24 Plucking hair and acception of initiation with self control
47 Cremation of the holy body of Bhagawan 48 Gautam swami, the disciple of englightened Bhagawan. Index of the remaining sections"
Bhagawan Shri Mahaviras 26 Preceding Birth and The Forty eight Paintings P. No. 89 to 97 Appendices No. 1 to 12, P. No. 97 to 110 Explanation of 80 Strips P. No. 182 to 201 Explanation of 144 Symbols P. No. 202 to 215 The teachings of Bhagawan Mahavir P. No. 216-217.
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