६६४ / जैनपरम्परा और यापनीयसंघ / खण्ड २
अ०११/प्र०५ स्त्री के साथ कामाचरण करती है, उसके पीछे भी उसके स्त्रीवेद की ही विकृत अभिव्यक्ति कारण है। इस तरह शाकटायन ने यह सिद्ध करने का प्रयत्न किया है कि पुरुषों के स्त्रैणव्यवहार में तथा स्त्री के पुरुषवत् व्यवहार में वेदवैषम्य कारण नहीं है, अपितु पुरुष और स्त्री के अपने-अपने वेद का विकृत परिणमन कारण है। शाकटायन ने अपना यह मन्तव्य निम्नलिखित श्लोक में प्रकट किया है
या पुंसि च प्रवृत्तिः, पुंसि स्त्रीवत्, स्त्रियाः स्त्रियां च स्यात्। सा स्वकवेदात् तिर्यग्वदलाभे मत्तकामिन्याः॥ ४४॥
स्त्रीनिर्वाण-प्रकरण। इस श्लोक का स्पष्टीकरण प्रश्नोत्तररूप में श्री पद्मनाभ एस. जैनी ने इस प्रकार किया है
(opponent :) If, as you maintain, male sexuality arises only' in a male body and so forth, and not otherwise, then how is it that we observe that men behave like women toward other men?
(Yapaniya:) To this claim we answer : If there would be a man who behaves like a woman toward another man, or a woman (who behaves like a man) toward another woman, (in both cases, such sexual behavior) is the result of one's own sexuality. This is just as, in the absence of a lusty female, a human being might approach an animal.
This male sexual behaviour would be the result of the arising of their own male sexuality, and not because of the arising of female sexuality. In the absence of a sexually aroused woman, cowherds and other human beings might engage in sexual activities with animals out of lust, that perverted behaviour, however, can not be said to be due to the presence of bestial sexuality (tiryak-bhava), but is instead a (perverted expression) of their human sexuality. The same thing would apply here also in the case of a man behaving like a woman toward another man), for the arousal of sexual feelings can take various forms. Therefore, based solely on your presumption concerning the manifestation of a different type of sexuality in a man whose behaviour is of that type, it is not proper to assert that the scriptural passage relating to the nirvāṇa of women should be so construed as to say that the word "women" there refers not to women but to men who experience female sexuality." (Gender And Salvation, pp. 89-90).
इस तरह यापनीय-आचार्य पाल्यकीर्ति शाकटायन षट्खण्डागम में प्रतिपादित वेदवैषम्य के सिद्धान्त को अप्रामाणिक मानते हैं। इससे सिद्ध है कि षट्खण्डागम
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