द्वितीय प्रकरण खारवेल-अभिलेख की समीक्षा
'यापज्ञापक' का अर्थ 'यापनीय आचार्य' नहीं ईसापूर्व द्वितीय शती के सम्राट् खारवेल के हाथीगुम्फाभिलेख में यापजवकेहि या यापजावकेहि (यापज्ञापकेभ्यः) पद का प्रयोग हुआ है। यथा
___"--- सिनो वसीकरोति। तेरसमे च वसे सुपवत विजयचक-कुमारीपवते अरहिते (य?) पखीण संसितेहि कायनिसीदीयाय यापजवकेहिं (यापत्रावकेहिं) राजभितानि चिनवतानि वसा-सितानि। पूजायरत उवास खारवेलसिरिना जीवदेहसिरिका परिखिता।" (चन्द्रकान्तबाली शास्त्री : खारवेलप्रशस्ति : पुनर्मूल्यांकन / पृ.१६)।
इस पंक्ति में आये यापञवकेहिं (यापज्ञापकेभ्यः) शब्द का प्रसिद्ध इतिहासकार श्री काशीप्रसाद जायसवाल ने 'यापनीय आचार्य' अर्थ किया है। वे लिखते हैं
“Yāpa-ñāvakas (Skt. yāpa-Jñāpakas) 'the teachers of yāpa,' cannot be identified without reference to the history of Jainism. The Bhadrabāhucarita in giving the history of Jainism immediately after the teacher Bhadrabāhu, a contemporary of Candragupta, says that amongst the numerous disciples of Bhadrabāhu who worshipped the bones of their master a school called Yāpana-Sangha arose and that they finally decided to remain without clothes. The Yāpana-Sangha flourished in the south as they prominently appear in Carnatic inscriptions. They are now extinct. Muni JINAVIJAYA is of opinion that some tenets of theirs bore affinity to the Digambara school and some of the Svetāmbara. In view of this opinion the Yāpana school marked the stage before the great schism. Our Inscription shows that Yāpa which gave the name of the School consisted of certain pious practices.
--- The professors of Yāpa were at the Kāyya-Nishīdī on the 'revered (arahite) Kumari Hill'. That his Nishidi was a Nishidi of the Arhat is proved by the next line. In this volume of the Journal (IV, 96) I drew attention to the technical meaning of the Jaina Nishīdī "resting place', a 'tomb'. The Nishīdī at the Kumārī Hill was not an ornamental tomb, but a real stūpa, for it is qualified Kāyya, corporeal (i.e. having remains of the body). Thus it seems that the Jains called their stūpas or chaityas Nishīdīs. The Jaina Stūpa discovered at Mathurā and the datum of the Bhadrabāhu-carita saying that the desciples of Bhadrabāhu worshipped
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