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To publish a book from a manuscript is no easy task. Procuring various manuscripts, adopting the correct version, and finally the proof-reading are some of the many difficulties an editor has to face. Upadhyayajee, though not keeping good health, spared no pains to make the book as correct and niseful as humanly possible and I must thank him sincerely,
My thanks are also due to the trustees of my father's will, Seth Nagindas Karamchand Sanghavi, Seth Devkaran Kushal Veravalwala and my revered mother Bai Kasturavantibai who, out of the fund set apart by my father in his will for the purpose of propagation and protection of Samyag-gnan, consented to advance the necessary amount for the publication of this book. It is not unnecessary to add here that all proceeds realised by the sale of this book will go to this fund for the purposes mentioned above.
Last, but not the least, I must thank all those who have directly or indirectly helped me in the successful publication of this work.
To keep afresh the meniory of our great.Guru Shree Amivijaijee Maliaraj and my father Seth Somchand Uttamchand, the series has been named as “Shree Ami-Soma Jain Granthamala" of which the present book is the first flower
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