the sutra, purvavacche şavat' of Anumana section, into three sutras; similarly he refers to Nyayavārtika of Uddyotakara. He quotes the sūtras of Vaiseṣika mentioning the authors as Kanacara and Kanabhakṣa. Some of the quotations from the Vaiseșika commentary are found in SVT (p. 56) which show that there were commentaries other than the available ones. At
certain places he refers to Prasastapada-bhasya and its Vyomavati commentary.
Samkhya-Yoga: At several places the sāṁkhya-kārikā of Isvarakṛṣṇa, the Yoga-sutras of Patañjali and Vyasa's bhāṣya are quoted. The reference to 'indriyanyarthamālocayanti ahamkarobhimayate' is not found in the available commentary of Samkhya-kārikā; perhaps, it was quoted from the ancient work on Samkhya. Similarly he refers to 'guṇānāṁ paraṁ rūpaṁ' which is quoted in Yoga-bhasya (IV. 13) as 'tatha ca sastrānuśāsanam and in Bhamati (p. 352) it is attributed to Vārṣaganya.
Mīmāmsa: Anantavirya quotes from the sutras of Jaimini, sabarabhāṣya, vṛtti of Upavarsa, and above all a great number of slokas from slokavārtika of Kumārila, some of which are not found today. Similarly he refers to (p. 260) Prabhakara and quotes a kārikā 'na māṁsa bhakṣane' in the name of Prabhākara, but it is traceable in Manu (V. 56).
Buddhism: It is no wonder that almost one-fourth of SVT is devoted to the criticism of Buddhists, since Akalanka was the champion critic of Buddhism. The purvapakṣa of SVT contains several references to Tripitaka, Abhidharmakosa of Vasubandhu, Mādhyamika-Kārikā of Nāgārjuna, Pramānasumuccaya of Dignaga and its vṛtti, Pramāṇavārtika, Pramāṇaviniścaya, Nyayabindu, Vadanyāya, Hetubindu and Sambandha-parīkṣā of Dharmakirti etc. Out of many commentators of Dharmakirti, the SVT copiously quotes Prajñākara, but some of the quotations are not traced in the recently published PVB of Prajñākara. Further he quotes a sloka attributing it to Gadgalakirti1 about whom nothing is known as yet. Arcata is referred to and a verse attributed to him is not found in his Hetubindutikā, the only available work; it may be from his other works. Besides these, other commentators such as Santabhadra, Kallaka (Karnaka) are referred to and quoted.
Jaina Works: Anantavirya refers to his Jaina predecessors such as Umāsvāmi, Samantabhadra and others. A reference-yayoḥ sahopalambha' in the name of Samantabhadra is found mutilated but is not available in the works of Samantabhadra. Nothing can be said definitely as to which Samantabhadra he is referring, admitting for a moment that it is of great 1 SVT, p. 450
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