2. THE AUTHORS: ANANTAVIRYA (6) Anantavīrya's Erudition
Anantavīrya refers to and states the views of his predecessors to substantiate the arguments of Jain Philosophy ; in the Pūrvapaksa, he quotes the original sentences from the authors whom he criticises i.e., he had a very comprehensive study of other systems of thought? The references which are discussed below help us not only to determine the date of Anantavirya but also to throw a new light on known and unknown authors.
1. Vedic Literature:
That his field of studies includes the Vedas, Upanişads etc., is borne by the references such as : 'purușa evedas (Rgveda)', ‘agnihotram juhuyāť (Krşpa Yajurveda, kāthaka samhitā), 'svetamálabheta (Taittariya Samhitā) ‘ārāmam tasya paśyanti' (Brhadāranyaka) etc. 2. Mahābhārata :
The authorship of Mahābhārata which includes Gītā in itself is generally attributed to Vyāsa. Anantavirya subscribes to this contention (p. 518), since it must have been prevalent in his times. He quotes, “ajño janturanī so'yam and ‘kālaḥ pacati bhūtāni' from Vanaparva and Adiparva respectively.
3. Works of Grammar :
. It seems that Anantavirya was thoroughly acquainted with the sūtras of Pāṇini and Pātañjala-bhāșya. He quotes from the former book-arthavad-dhātu and 'prakrtipara eva pratyaya? prayoktavyaḥ pratyayapara eva ca prakrtiḥ (Patañjala-Bhasya, III. 1-2); and he gives the substance of this in these words : na kevala prakrtiḥ prayoktavyā'. But he depends mostly on Jainendravyakarana of Pūjyapāda. 4. Philosophical classics :
Cārvāka : Anantavirya quotes from Tattvopaplavasimha (TPS) and explicitly mentions Jayarāsi as the author of TPS; his reference to 'paraparyanuyogaparani Brhaspateh sūtrani', seems to be from TPS, but as the first leaf of the Ms. of TPS is missing, it is not traceable in it. He refers to one Aviddhakarana in the pūrvapakṣa of Cārvākas3 about whom we will discuss later on.
Nyāya-vaise șika: Anantavirya quotes Akşapāda's Nyāya sūtras (NS) and Vātsyāyana's Nyāya sūtra-bhāsya (NSB) in the pūrvapakșa. He expands
1 See App. 9 for all quotations. .
SVT, p. 277. * Vide Sec. dealing with Aviddhakarņas. 10
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