8. Pūjyapāda :
Pūjyapāda is the author of Jainedravyākarana and Sarvārthasiddhi ; his date has been fixed as the 5th century A.D.1 It is a well-known fact that Akalarka gave the form of Vārtika to several sentences of Sarvārthasiddhi and explained them in detail in his TV. TV quotes Jainendravyākarana also; besides this, Pūjyapāda is referred to as Sabdānušāsanadaksa in SVV (p. 653); further Pūjyapāda is referred by name in the verse of SV (VI. 21) as 'Viruddho Devanandinaḥ'. Obviously Pūjyapāda's works form the very basis of those of Akalarka, who has frankly expressed his indebtedness to Pūjyapāda. 9. Mallavādi :
Muni Jambūvijayaji has reconstructed the Nayacakra of Mallavādi from the Vștti of Simhasūrigani. The Nayacakra refers to Bhatặhari and Dignāga; hence Mallavādi cannot be taken to have existed before the 5th c. A.D. He has also referred to Siddhasena; this fact also supports the limit of his age. The discussion of naya by Akalarika in his Nyāyaviniscayaa and Pramāna samgraha3 bears eloquent testimony to the influence of Nayacakra which is no other text than one of Mallavādi himself. The work Nayacakra that is referred to by Akalanka and Vidyānanda is not the nayacakra of Devasena (933 A.D.). Though the Nayacakra refers to Dignāga in connection with his doctrine of apoha he is said to be the contemporary of Dignāga4. The age of Mallavādi has not been finally decided. The fact that the Nayacakra refers to Dignāga and is totally silent about Dharmakirti and his disciples, leads us to the irresistible conclusion that Mallavādi flourished after Dignāga (5th c. A.D.) and before 7th c. A.D. Akalanka's reference to "Sūtrapātavad rjusūtrah” in TV (1. 33) is taken from Nayacakrab itself. 10. Jinabhadragaại :
Jinabhadragani Kṣmāśramaņa, the author of Višeşāvasyaka bhāsya belongs to the last quarter of the 6th and first quarter of the seventh century A.D. Muni Jinavijayaji fixes the date of Jinabhadra's VBH, at 609 A.D. from the Prasasti of Vise şāvasyakabhāsyal. Pt. Malvania regards this as
1 JSI p, 41. 2 Nyāyavini scaya, iii, 477. 9 Pramāna sangraha, p. 125. * Dalasukha Malvania : Ācārya Mallavādikā Nayacakra, Rajendra süri Smāraka
Grantha. 5 Nayacakra Vștti Ms. p. 345B. 6 Vide Hindi Intro. p. 20.
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