INTRODUCTION Tiloyapannatti has the following two gāthās in the first chapter
jo na pamāṇanayehim nikkhevenaṁ nikkhide attham, tassājuttaṁ juttaṁ jattamajuttaṁ ca padihādi 118211 nānam hodi pamānam nao vi nādussa hidayabhāvattho, nikkhevo vi uvão juttīe atthapadigahanam 118311
It is clear that the second Kärikā of LT is just the sanskrit form of the second Gāthā of TP. It will be seen in the following pages that Akalanka wrote first the Pramānanayapraveśa of LT and then Pravacanapraveśa (PP) separately ; such separate MSS. of PP are also found1. It seems either Akalanka or Anantavirya named the compendia of both these works as Laghīyastraya taking into consideration all the praveśas. This Kārikā is given just after the proposition to write a treatise according to the Agamasyathāgamam, clearly indicative of its dependence on TP. The sanskrit form of a Gāthā of Sanmati Sūtra (I. 3) is found in this very text PP (p. 23).
"titthayaravayaņa sa mgahavi se sapatthāramūlavāgaranī,
davvatthio ya pajjavanao ya sesā viyappă sim." The Sk. version is : “tataḥ tīrthakara-vacana sangrahavise șaprastāramūlavyākāriņaū dravyaparyāyārthikau niścetavyau”.–LT, v. 67.
On the basis of this, we can definitely say, that in his earlier stages Akalanka preferred to follow his predecessors and sanskritised some gāthas of prākrit scriptural texts. The aphoristic statement "Jñānam Pramānam” does not reflect originality of Akalarka.
7. Srīdatta :
Śrīdatta is referred to in Jainendra-vyākarana (I. 4. 34) of Acārya Devanandi ; even Akalanka refers to him as “iti Śrīdattam” in his Tattvārthavārtika (p. 57); it seems he must have been a philologist of eminence. He flourished prior to Pūjyapāda. Acārya Vidyānanda too accredits him for his triumphant victory over sixtythree debaters ; not only this, he refers to his “Jalpanirnaya”? also Further, Acārya Jinasena respectfully refers to him as "Pravādībhaprabhedin”3. Above all the vivid influence of this Acārya can be traced on Akalanka in his Siddhivini scaya, especially in the chapter-Jalpasiddhi, and also in Jayaparājaya-vyavastha in the same way as is the influence of Pātrakesari on him.
1 See KPTS. 2 TSLV, p. 280. 3 ADP, p. I, 45.
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