Siddhasena, as an author, has attracted the attention of modern scholars for a number of reasons. It was S. C. VIDYABHUSAN that gave a position to the study of Nyāyāvatāra on the canvas of Indian logic. It is the superb edition of the Sanmati-tarka, however, along with the Sanskrit commentary of Abhayadeva (Ahmedabad 1924-31) and an exhaustive study of the same in Gujarati (Ahmedabad 1932 and 1952) by Pts. SUKHALALAJI and BECHARDASAJI that have revived the study of this great work of Divākara. Many scholars have written on Siddhasena and about his works. But the credit of the pioneer study of the contents of some of the Dvātrimsikās has to go to Pt. SUKHALALAJI Who is well-known for his all-round and keen penetration into the intricacies of philosophical concepts in India.
With a view to paving the way for and furthering the progress of the study of Siddhasena's works, an humble yet earnest attempt is made to bring together here, in this volume, some basic and accessory material. VIDYABHUSAN'S edition of the Nyāyāvatāra is reprinted; then is given the text of the Nyāyāvatāra with Siddharṣi's Vivṛti (mainly following Dr. P. L. VAIDYA'S ed.); then to supplement the study of the Nyāyāvatāra, the edition of the Nayakarṇikā by M. D. Desai is put here; and then are added here the texts of the available Dvātrimsikās and of the Sanmati-sutra. Further, here is included an exhaustive Bibliographic Survey which attempts to give a careful summary of earlier studies about Siddhasena and his works. If anything important is omitted, I only regret my limited library
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