usual with his meticulous scholarship. He is in the front rank of the present-day Jaina and Prākrit scholars in India. The authorities of the Jaina Sāhitya Vikāsa Mandala, Bombay, are very thankful to him.
Siddhasena Diyākara needs to be appreciated, behind the legends of miraculous hallo created round him, as a gifted poet and a mature logician in an all-India perspective setting aside sectional and regional predilections. If this volume helps this cause even to a small extent, its publication is highly rewarded.
Our thanks are due to the Manager, Sharada Press, Mangalore, for all the cooperation given by him.
A. K. Doshi
Jaina Sahitya Vikas Mandal 112, Vivekananda Marg Vile Parle, Bombay-56 (AS) 16-5-1971
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