facilities and my ignorance in that regard. All suggestions are welcome to make this survey complete: ko na vimuhyati sastra-samudre).
After a critical study of the above material, I have presented, in my Introduction, my approach to the study of Siddhasena. If all this helps earnest researchers to think for themselves and estimate the logical and poetic abilities of Siddhasena, the Editor would feel that his labours are amply rewarded.
The Jaina Sahitya Vikāsa Maṇḍala, Bombay, has to its credit a number of publications under the able and enlightened guidance of Sheth AMRITLALAJI K. DOSHI who has retired from active business and devotes all his time to study and reflection. He has a natural love for learning and a pious attachment for Jainological studies. I feel very thankful to him for publishing this volume which is expected to be a substantial aid for further studies on Siddhasena and his works. The shape of this volume is much benefited by his advice; if any shortcomings are there, the responsibility is mine. My thanks are due to Pt. DALASUKHABHAI MALAVANIA, Ahmedabad, and Dr. A. S. GOPANI, Bombay, who have obliged me with references and books.
I would be failing in my duty, if I did not record my sincere gratitude to the University Grants Commission for having so graciously made me the Grant intended for Retired Teachers. It is this timely aid that has enabled me, even after my retirement, to pursue my researches in my specialised branches of Indology with the peace of mind all such work needs.
Though I was working on this volume for some time past, important pcrtions of it have been written
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