Certificate of the Supervisor (Para 12 C)
This is to certify that the work entitled "जिनभद्रगणिकृत ध्यानशतक एवं उसकी हरिभद्रीय टीका : एक तुलनात्मक अध्ययन" is a peace of research work done by साध्वी श्री प्रियश्रद्धांजना श्री oft under my guidance and supervision for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (in the deptt. of Philosophy) University- Vikram Vishwavidyalay, Ujjain (M.P.) India, That the candidate has put in an attendance of more than 200 days with me.
To the best of my Knowledge and belief the thesis: (i) embodies the work of the candidate himself. (ii) has duly been completed. (iii) fulfills the requirements of the Ordinance relating to the
Ph.D. Degree of the University. (iv) it is up to the standard both in respect of Contents and
language for being referred to the examiner.
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Signature of the Supervisor
Signature of Director of Prachya Vidyapeeth
For Personal & Private Use Only
Jain Education International