compulsory in the time of Pärśva. Lord Mahāvīra made it compulsory.'
Pedhälaputra Udaka was a disciple of Lord Pärkva. After coming in contact with Gaṇadhara Gautama, he accepted from Lord Mahavira the discipline of five mahavratas along with pratikramana. It has been asserted by Lord Mahavira himself that it was he who propounded the discipline of the five mahavratas together with the pratikramana. It is evident from this that the pratikramaṇa was the contribution of Lord Mahavira. The sāmāyika-avaśyaka was of course there in the discipline of Pärsiva. But it assumed the form of six dvasyakas only in the dispensation of Lord Mahāvīra who gave the contents of the sadavafyaka, which was finally given the form of a surra by the ganadharaus.
The Principal Commentaries
The following are the principal commentaries on the Avatyaka: 1. Avatyakaniryukti, 2. Avaśyakabhāṣya, 3. Avasyakacurni, 4. Avasyakavṛtti (by Haribhadra), 5. Avafyakavetti (by Malayagiri), 6. Avaśyakaniryukti-dipika, 7. Avasyakavrtti, 8. Avasyakavivaraṇa, 9. Avadyaka-tippanakam (by Maladhari Hemacandra). II. DASAVAIKĀLIKA
The Dašavalkalika and Uttaradhyayana occupy very important positions among Jaina Agamas. The Svetambara as well as the Digambara äcaryas have frequentally referred to them. In the Digambara literary tradition of the fourteen Angabahya texts the 7th and 8th are respectively Dašavaikālika and Uttarādhyayana." There are two main divisions of the Svetambara Angabahya śrutas, viz. Kālika and Utkalika which are respectively headed by the Uttaradhyayana and the Datavaikälika,
2. Dasavatkalike: Composition and Subject-Matter
The Daśavaikälika was composed in ten chapters. It was so called because it was compiled 'out of season' (vikāla). The author of this sutra is śrutakevali
1 See, Thanam, 6/103, tippana, p. 702.
2 Suyagado, 2/7/38:
tae nam se udae pedhälaputte samanassa bhagavao mahāvīrassa antie cäujjāmão dhammão, pañcamahavvalyam sapajikkamagam dhammam uvasampajjittäṇam viharai.
3 Thanam, 9/62:
se jahāņāmae ajjo! mae samaṇānam nigganthanam pañcamahavvatie sapaḍikkamane acelae dhamme panṇatte.
4 (a) Kaşaya-pähuda (with Jayadhavala), Part 1, 13/25:
dasaveyäliyam uttarajjhayanam.
(b) Gommaṭasāra (Jīva-kāṇḍa), gāthā 367 :
dasaveyālam ca uttarajjhayanam.
5 Nandi, sūtra 43:
se kim tam kaliyam kaliyam anegaviham pannattam, tam jaha-uttarajjhayaṇāim......... se kim tam ukkaliyam? ukkiliyam apogavilam pannattam, tam jaha-dasaveyaliyam......
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