The present volume contains nine āgamas :- Avassayam; two mulasūtras : Dasaveällyam and Uttarajjhayaṇāni; two cülikāsūtras; Nandi and Anuogadaraim; four chedasûtras: Dasão, Kappo, Vavahāro and Nisihajjhayaṇam.
This sutra is called Avasyaka. It is so called because the rules prescribed in it are to be observed compulsorily by the monastic order as well as by the laity. The following eight synonymous names of this text have been given in the Anuyogadvara
1. Avasyaka
2. Avasyakaraṇīya
3. Dhruvanigraha 4. Viśodhi
In the Mülăcăra the expression Avasyaka is also found as a
Avasyaka. The title Avasyaka is found in the Bhagavati, Sthānanga and Jäätädharmakatha. It appears that the Avafyaka was composed in the time of Lord. Mahavira."
4 Bhagavai, 18/207
5 Thānam, 2/105
6 Nayadhammakahão, 1/8/18/2
5. Adhyayana Şaşkavarga
6. Nyaya
7. Aradhana
8. Märga
1 Anuogadäräim 28, gāthā 2:
samaneņa savaena ya, avassakāyavvam havai jamhā / anto aho nisassa u, tamhā āvassayam nāma //
2 Ibid, 28, gāthā 1:
āvassayam avassakaraņijja, dhuvaniggaho visohl ya / ajjhayanachakka vaggo, não ārāhaņā maggo // 3 Mülăcăra,
paricatta parabhāvam, appānam jhädi pimmalasahāvam / appasavo so hodi hu, tassa du kammam bhaṇanti äväsam // āvāsaeņa hiņo, pabbhattho hodi carapado samano / puvvattakameņa puno, tamhā āvāsaeņa kujjā //
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