The text of the Āćárānga, adopted by us, does not depend on one specimen only. We have adopted it on the review with reference to the specimens in use, the Ćūrņi and the Vșitti. The three sūtras (27-29) in the second 'Uddeśaka' of the first Adhyayana of the 'Āyāro' are found in all the other five Uddeśakas also. In the specimens used in the redemption of the text as well as in the Ācārānga Vșitti they are not found. In the Āćārānga Čurni, commencing from the Sūtrā 'lajjamāņā pudhopasa' (Āyāro, Sû. 16, page 4) to the Sūtra 'Appege Sampamārae, Appege Uddawae' (Ayāro, Sū. 29, page 6), it is considered as 'Dhruvakandikā' (the one and the same text).
On the basis of the indications found in the Curņi, we have adopted the three Sūtras in the second Uddeśaka in the rest five Uddeśakas.
In place of 'Kumbhārāyataṇamsi wā, in the Cūrņiof the second Uddesaka (Sū. 21) of the eighth Adhyayana, many a word is found, e.g. 'uwattanagihe wā, gāmdeulie wā, kammagārasālāe wā, tantuwāyagasālāe wā, lohagārasālāe wā'. The Čūrnikāra further writes-'Jaćiyão Sālā Sawwao māniyaw
Here it appears that the word 'Kumbhārāyataṇamsi wā' was added with many other words meaning 'Sälā' or house but, in the course of time due to the faulty scribing, all the other words were left out. It is not possible to decide the text-system on the basis of the Cūrni only. This is why it has not been included in the text.
1. See-Ayaro, page 8, footnote no 2, page 11 ; footnote no. 2, page 14 ; footnote
no 1, page 16; footnote no. 3, page 19; footnote no. 4. 2. Acaranga Curni, page 260-261 3. Acaranga Curni, page 261.
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