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## 356] [Prajñāpanā Sūtra Two Types of Knowers (1) Sādi-A-paryavasita - A being who, after the arising of right knowledge, always remains in it, is a Ksāyika Samyagdṛṣṭi Knower or a Kevala-jñānī Sādi-A-paryavasita Knower. (2) Sādi-S-paryavasita - A being whose right knowledge is liable to be lost in the absence of right vision, is a Sādi-S-paryavasita Knower. Except for Kevala-jñāna, other types of knowledge are considered Sādi-S-paryavasita because they are of fixed duration, not eternal. Of these two, the Sādi-Sānta Knower state lasts for a short period, an antarmūhūrta, after which the knowledge-result is destroyed by the arising of falsehood. The superior duration, which is said to be slightly more than 66 sāgaropamas, should be understood in the same way as Samyagdṛṣṭi, because only Samyagdṛṣṭi is a Knower.
The Duration of the Avadhi-jñānī - The inferior duration of the Avadhi-jñānī is one time period, not an antarmūhūrta, because when a Tiryac-pañcendriya, human, or deva attains rightness, their Vibhangajñāna transforms into Avadhi-jñāna as soon as they attain rightness. However, due to the deva's chyavana, or the death of other beings, or other reasons, their Avadhi-jñāna is lost only after a long time, so its duration is one time period. Its superior duration is 66 sāgaropamas. It is as follows: A being who has attained Apratipāti Avadhi-jñāna goes to the Vijayā etc. vimānas twice, or is born in the Acyuta-devaloka three times, then their duration is sixty-six sāgaropamas.
The Duration of the Manaḥ-paryavajñānī - The Manaḥ-paryavajñānī remains in the Manaḥ-paryavajñānī state for a short period, one time period. When a restrained being, while in the apramatta state, attains Manaḥ-paryavajñāna and dies in the same apramatta-samyata state, then they remain as a Manaḥ-paryavajñānī for one time period. The reason for the superior duration being up to Deśona-pūrva-koṭi is that there is no greater restraint than this, and without restraint, Manaḥ-paryavajñāna cannot remain.
Three Types of Knowers, Mṛtyajñānī and Śrutājñānī - (1) Anādi-Ananta - A being who has never attained right knowledge and will never attain it in the future is an Anādi-Ananta ignorant being. (2) Anādi-Sānta - A being who has never attained knowledge but will attain it sometime in the future is an Anādi-Sānta ignorant being. (3) Sādi-Sānta - A being who has attained right knowledge and then became ignorant again due to the arising of falsehood, but will attain knowledge again in the future, is a Sādi-Sānta ignorant being. The Sādi-Sānta ignorant being continuously remains in the ignorant state for a short period, an antarmūhūrta, after which they attain rightness and become a Knower, their ignorant state is destroyed. They remain ignorant for an infinite period, the reason for which has been stated before. After this period (infinite Utsarpiṇī-Avasarpiṇī period), the being inevitably attains rightness and their ignorance-result is removed.
The Duration of the Vibhangajñānī - Its inferior duration is one time period, its superior duration is Deśona-pūrva-koṭi or more. - - - - - 1. Prajñāpanā. Malaya. Vṛtti, Patrāṅka 389 2. Ibid., Malaya. Vṛtti, Patrāṅka 389 3. Ibid., Malaya. Vṛtti, Patrāṅka 389-390