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The tenth chapter of the last text, the ultimate discourse on the earth and the worlds, 774. How many earths are there, O Lord? Gautama! There are eight earths. They are as follows: (1) Ratnapraba, (2) Sakkarapraba, (3) Valuyapraba, (4) Pankapraba, (5) Dhumapraba, (6) Tamahpraba, (7) Tamatamapraba, and (8) Isatprabhara. 775. O Lord! Is this Ratnapraba earth the ultimate, the non-ultimate, the ultimate in many forms, the non-ultimate in many forms, the ultimate in many regions, or the non-ultimate in many regions? Gautama! This Ratnapraba earth is neither the ultimate nor the non-ultimate, neither the ultimate in many forms nor the non-ultimate in many forms, neither the ultimate in many regions nor the non-ultimate in many regions, but by rule (it is one earth) both the non-ultimate and the ultimate in many forms, and both the ultimate in many regions and the non-ultimate in many regions. 776. Thus (like the Ratnapraba earth) up to the seventh earth (Tamatamapraba) the same description should be applied. / From Saudharma onwards up to the Anuttara Vimana, the same description should be understood. The description of the Isatprabhara earth should also be said in the same way (as the Ratnapraba earth). / The same should be said about the worlds and the non-worlds (alokakasha).