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360] [Prajñāpanā Sūtra There are three-sensory beings, countless four-sensory beings, countless five-sensory beings, countless human beings, countless Vāṇavyantara Devas, countless Jyotiṣka Devas, countless Vaimānika Devas, and infinite, O Gautama! For this reason, it is said that they (Jīva-paryāya) are not countable, not countless, (but) infinite. The types of Vivecana-paryāya and the infinite Jīva-paryāya are explained in detail in two sūtras (Sū. 438-436). Paryāya: The word "Paryāya" is synonymous with "Svārūpa" and "Pīṛa". Although the previous verse mentioned Jīvas in the form of Nairyika, Tiryañc, Manuşya, Deva, etc., as a state of being, this verse is mentioned to determine the Jīva-paryāyas in the form of Audayika, Kṣayopashamika, and Kṣayika, as well as the Ajīva-paryāyas like Pudgala, etc. Both Jīva and Ajīva are dravyas. The characteristic of dravya is said to be "Guṇa-paryāyavattva". Therefore, this verse describes the paryāyas of both Jīva and Ajīva. Paryāya, Paryava, Guṇa, Viśeṣa, and Dharma; these are often synonymous words. From the perspective of knowing the quantity of paryāyas, Gautama Svāmī asks this question: Are the paryāyas of Jīva countable, countless, or infinite? The Bhagavān said that the paryāyas of Jīva are infinite because when those who have paryāyas (like Vanaspatikāyika, Siddha Jīva, etc.) are infinite, then the paryāyas are also infinite. Although all except Vanaspatikāyika and Siddha are countless-countless, but since both of them are infinite, the paryāyas of Jīva will be considered infinite in totality. Not countable or countless. Why and how do Nairyikas have infinite paryāyas? 440. "Neraiaṇam bhanta! Kevatiya pajjava paṇṇata?" "Go'yama! Aṇanta pajjava paṇṇatta." "Se keṇṭheṇam bhanta! Evam kuccati neraiaṇam aṇanta pajjava paṇṇatta?" "Go'yama! Neraie neraia'ssa danvaṭṭha'yae tulle, padesaṭṭa'ae tulle; bhogāhaṇṭuta'ae si'ya hoṇe si'ya tulle si'ya abbahie-jati hoṇe asankhejjatibhāgahoṇe vā sankhejjatibhāgahiṇe vā sankhejjaguṇahiṇe vā asankhejjaguṇahoṇe vā, ah am'bahie asankhejjabhāgab'bahie vā sankhejjabhāgab'bahie vā sankhejjaguṇamab'bahie vā asankhejjaguṇamab'bahie vā; ṭhi'ie si'ya hoṇe si'ya tulle si'ya abbahie-~-jai hoṇe asankhejjatibhāgahiṇe vā sankhejjati bhāgahiṇe vā sankhejjaguṇahoṇe vā asankhejjaguṇahiṇe vā, ah am'bahie asankhejjai'bhāgam'ba hie vā sankhejjai'māgam'bahie vā sankhejjai'guṇahie vā asankhejjai'guṇab'bahie vā; kālavanapajjavehi si'ya hoṇe si'ya tulle si'ya abbahie-jadi hoṇe aṇantabhāgahiṇe vā asankhejjai'bhāgahiṇe vā sankhejjai'. bhāgahiṇe vā sankhijjai'guṇahiṇe vā asankhijjai'guṇahoṇe vā praṇantaguṇahiṇe vā, ah abbahie praṇantabhāga1. Prajñāpanā Sūtra Malaya. Vṛtti, Patrāṅka 179