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## Translation:
**216] [Prajñāpanā Sūtra * The sixth and seventh gates among these seven gates are known as pains. Those pains that are accepted willingly and with pleasure, such as those caused by hair, dirt, etc., are called *prābyupgamikī*, but those pains that arise from the awakening of karmas and the emergence of *vedanīyakarma* are called *aupakramikī*. / Both these pains are related to karmas. / The seventh gate describes two types of pain: *nidā* and *anidā*. When the mind is fully engaged or when it is carefully attended to, it is called *nidā*, and the opposite, where the mind is not at all engaged, is called *anidā* pain. / Alternatively, pain with *cittavati-samyaviveka* is *nidā*, and the opposite is *anidā*. / In reality, these two pains are later connected to *sañjñī* and *asañjñī* respectively. / The *vṛttikāra* has explained the meaning of *nidā* pain as follows: In the case of an *asañjñī* being, the mind is not skillful in remembering past-life related good and bad karmas, hatred, opposition, or objects. However, the mind of a *sañjñī* being is skillful. / Therefore, *anidā* pain is experienced by *asañjñī* beings, and *nidā* pain is experienced by *sañjñī* beings. Similarly, it is also explained that beings with *māyī-mithyā-dṛṣṭi* experience *anidā* pain, and beings with *amāyī-samyag-dṛṣṭi* experience *nidā* pain. Some clarifications - (1) Is the use (experience) of cold and hot pain gradual or simultaneous? The *vṛttikāra* has solved this by saying that the use is indeed gradual, but due to rapid transmission, it does not appear gradual in experience. (2) Similarly, one should understand the pain of cold and hot, etc. / Similarly, the pain of *aduḥkha-asukha* cannot be given the designation of pleasure or pain. Similarly, one should understand the subject of physical-mental designation, *sāta-asāta*, pleasure-pain, etc. (3) What is the difference between *sāta-asāta* and pleasure-pain? The *vṛttikāra* has answered this by saying that the pain that arises from the gradual emergence of *vedanīyakarma* pudgalas is *sāta-asāta*. But when something else causes an awakening and there is an experience of *sāta-asāta*, it is called pleasure-pain. '* Ṣaṭkhaṇḍāgama* mentions three types: *bajjhamaṇiya veyaṇā, udiṇṇā veyaṇā, uvasantā veyaṇā*. 00 1. (a) *Paṇṇavaṇā Sutta*, Bha. 2 (Introduction), p. 150 (b) *Prajñāpanā*. M. Vṛtti, p. 557